INSOL International’s Asia Hub Vlog series ‘Insolvency Influencers in Asia’ sponsored by BlackOak LLC was launched in May 2022. Meanwhile, 5 more Episodes of the series have been added in which our Director Ashok Kumar interviews well-regarded restructuring and insolvency practitioners as well as thought leaders, who have had a profound impact on the R&I space.

Episode 4: In conversation with Viola Jing of Allen & Overy, Hong Kong

Episode 5: In conversation with Judge Christopher S. Sontchi of the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC)

Episode 6: In conversation with Mitsue Aizawa of TMI Associates, Tokyo

Episode 7: In conversation with Andy Y Kadir of Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners (HHP), Jakarta

Episode 8: In conversation with Lingqi Wang of Fangda Partners, Shanghai

Watch the recordings HERE

For enquiries please contact: Ashok Kumar

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